Harm reduction

What is harm reduction?

  • Promotes healthy communities and helps communities provide services that are caring and sensitive to the needs of the community.
  • Helping people lessen the harms associated with sexual activity, sex work, illicit and licit substance use.
  • Provides supports and services to improve overall health.
  • Does not require that people stop using substances as a precondition of support. It respects the right of people to self-determination and ensures equal access to services and supports that protect their health.
  • Contributes by strengthening services, advocating for the rights and dignity for those who use substances or are at risk of harm (i.e. reduce disease transmission, reduce the number of deaths due to overdose, and reduce violence).
  • Further information about the harm reduction can be found in the BC community guide.

Harm reduction programs and services vary by community and location:

  • Enhancing client resources, supports, skills and knowledge
  • Nursing services
  • Mental health and addictions services
  • Methadone maintenance programs
  • Condom distribution
  • Community health education
  • Distribution of harm reduction supplies (e.g. needle exchange)
  • Engaging clients and referrals to community resources

Contact your local Health unit to find information on the resources available in your community or visit Toward the Heart to find a harm reduction site in your community. 

Stop stigma

Discarding a needle
