Acute care and hospital visitor information

Acute care and hospital visitors: Respiratory illness season information

On April 8, 2024 the Province announced the launch of spring COVID-19 vaccine boosters, marking the end of respiratory illness season. Given the decreased rates of viral respiratory infections in the community, additional infection prevention and control measures implemented in fall 2023 in health-care settings are no longer required at all times. 

People are still encouraged to wear masks in health-care settings as appropriate, to continue to cover coughs and stay away from others when feeling sick. Health-care workers will continue to wear appropriate personal protective equipment, such as masks and respirators, in accordance with their point-of-care risk assessments.

Key changes for visitors to NH facilities

Northern Health will update this page with information for acute care and hospital visitors when the Province announces measures for the upcoming respiratory illness season. In the meantime, Visitors should:

  • Stay up to date on your influenza and COVID-19 vaccines
  • Stay home if they are feeling unwell
  • Engage in hand hygiene and follow respiratory etiquette at all times
  • Maintain respect for the personal space of others around you