
Tuberculosis (TB)

A Tuberculosis (TB) skin test is used to help identify people who may have TB infection. It is not used to diagnose current active TB disease.

In BC, TB skin testing is free for the following clients who have a public health and/or medical reason for testing:

  • People who are symptomatic and their medical provider has referred them for TB testing 
  • People who are contacts to active TB disease
  • People who are high risk for TB infection:
    • Required to complete TB medical surveillance for immigration
    • Under-housed or homeless
    • Inject drugs and/or crack/cocaine use
  • People who identify as Indigenous
  • People who are starting immune suppressant treatment at baseline (ie: biologics)
  • People who are referred for TB testing for medical reasons such as:
    • Dialysis
    • Transplant donor or recipient
  • People living with HIV
  • People entering a residential drug and alcohol treatment program
  • People under 60 years of age who are entering an adult residential care facility

There is a cost for a TB skin test for:

  • People needing it for educational programs, volunteer or employment positions
  • Some international travelers who will be residing in countries where TB is endemic and travelers returning from prolonged visits to endemic areas unless there is a clear history of clear contact with active TB and/or symptomatic
  • People who want a test and do not meet the criteria for public health and/or medical reason for testing

If you have any questions about TB skin testing, costs or payment options, please call your local public health unit or local travel clinic.

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