
Active school travel

Active school travel includes walking, cycling, wheeling, or any other form of human-powered movement on the way to or from school. Learn more information about different ways that active transportation can be supported and incorporated into the educational environment.

  • Students who are physically active are better prepared to focus and learn in school and students who take part in active school travel arrive more alert and “ready to go”
  • Active school travel
    • Helps add more physical activity into daily routines
    • Decreases traffic congestion and exhaust fumes at drop-off zones
    • Increases the safety of the school zone due to less traffic and more visibility

Consider these options if the distance between home and school is too great:

  • Drop off a little further from school to walk the rest of the way
  • Walk to the next bus stop before boarding

How does your school measure up in active school travel participation? Take the bike walk roll survey to find out, then start thinking about what you might do to get more students using active transportation.

Northern Health resources

Provincial and national initiatives

Resources for teachers

School travel planning