
Skeena Place


4780 Janze Way
Hazelton BC V0J 1Y1



Access to subsidized assisted living units is through a Home Health assessment. For more information on subsidized units, contact the Home Health office nearest you. For questions about the facility or tours, you can contact the Operator.


Wrinch Memorial Foundation

Building description

One story development with six one-bedroom suites.

Building amenities

Dining room, living room, laundry room, TV lounge, and hair dressing studio.

Language, culture or religious affiliation

English, honouring diversity.

Philosophy of care

Choice, privacy, independence, individuality, dignity and respect.

Accreditation status

Residence is not accredited.

Type of accommodation

We have six publicly subsidized units which are one bedroom suites.


The monthly charge for publicly subsidized Assisted Living is based on income. Residents pay 70% of their after-tax income, up to a maximum amount. The monthly fee covers rental accommodation, hospitality services, personal care and on-site emergency response system. Hydro is subsidized; residents pay only $18 per month.

Persons receiving disability benefits from the Ministry of Housing and Social Development pay a fixed rate.

Items not included as a part of the monthly fee include: telephone, cable, personal laundry, household and toiletry supplies, medications, personal care products and insurance.

Special recreational opportunities
  • Walking Club Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
  • Chair exercises once per week.
  • Book bus every two weeks.
  • Bingo once per week.
  • Arts and crafts.
Motorized scooter policy


Pet policy

No pets permitted.

Smoking policy

All Northern Health facilities are smoke free. Residents are asked to smoke outside the facility in designated areas.

Safety/security features

Secured exit/entrance. Lifeline personal emergency response unit.

Parking (resident/visitor)


Neighbourhood/community amenities

Proximity to shopping, pharmacy, hospital, parks, and community bus.